Its time-

People on our knees-
No more wasting time, the days are nearly over
The groom is quickly coming, He greets us with a kiss
And says that you have been chosen for such the time as this.
I choose to follow You, Forsaking all You know, Taking up my cross.
And if I die, I die. To find my life in You. Lord this is my cry!
I firmly believe that this is exactly what the Lord is calling of each and everyone of us. We are such a depressing and selfish nation. I don't mean that as a threat, but it is honestly true. I am fed up with this nation, just longing to leave. But as I realized, that will not solve the problem. It is me that is the problem. I have given in to hatred, selfishness, to all the twisted lies. I am like all of us, impure, sinful, fallen. But God is calling us out, redeeming us from all of the deceitfulness of the devil, and has given us grace. That is amazing, but I feel all I can give back is emptiness, darkness, and hopelessness. I cant do this any longer, I look back at the past and wish that some how it could come alive once again. I miss dancing before the throne of God whole-hearted, bowing at His feet in worship. I don't know what happened in the past two years, but relationships went down hill. People stopped caring about one another, and there wasn't enough prayer! The church community is fallen, THIS is the time when we NEED to be praying together for REVIVAL! We are the chosen ones, and HE will meet us whether were ready or not. I want to and need to re-commitment. I want to live once again on complete fire for God. Life has so much more Love Joy and Peace. But in order to do this I need help from the body!
mmm jill. honestly i think we really need to hang out. Your wrods speak volumes, especially to my life right now. You have no idea. give my cell a call sometime 604 866 2678. let's do coffee... i love you!
YES! rock on Jill, shout it loud, proclaim it strong! This is the battle cry our deadened spirits needed to hear. may your soul be filled with His waters.
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