Saturday, February 03, 2007

Let us bring the JUSTICE.

For the past two weeks, I have been meaning to blog. I've been in prayer, in thought about what to write. Nothing came, nothing was reveiled. Intil last night I went to the movies with a bunch of my friends. Movies always seem to impact me. This is why I am careful in which ones I will watch, and which movies I pre-take in. You may- or may not agree with this statement but I think everything is spiritual. So when you watch a horror film, something is happening in the spiritual. Anyway, the opposite could happen as well, God could use a film to reach out , to bring the community the world aware of a problem. This is exactly what the movie I saw yesterday did. I saw Blood Diamond, it was amazing how I felt God there last night. So I highly suggest you see it. It is graphic so just letting you all know.

Lately for the past couple of months I have felt God continuely tell me " Bring Justice" , we have NO IDEA what the HELL goes on in the world. The rape, the torture, the pain, the suffering, the HELL... the absolute HELL. We go on mission trips, and we help and thats awesome. But if you stop and think, do we bring Justice. To stop living our lives, and truly put ourselves in Jesus shoes, walk in PURE love, faith, and compassion. This is a life style, and I believe that we are ALL called to live this. Whether your heart is for the homeless on the street who needs a fix, the dying mother of three children of HIV, or your brother who HATES God because his life is the shit. We are CALLED!! A friend of mine got a vision, of a picture the other month, of God ringing a huge massive bell. There was youth, lying all over the ground, some completely dead, others awake but not in tune. The other half was either half kneely, or on FIRE and trying to awake the others. It is NO lie in the last month I have had three people tell me, THIS IS THE GENERATION. Its true, WE ARE THE ONES!!! Think, and stop where are you with the Lord, and who do you want to become. God is waiting, and crying over our generation. We need prophets to awake this nation. Are you going sit and wait for the groom to come? Or are you going to run the race, saving and redeeming people from the HELL.
WE ALL ARE IN THE CALLING.... come and join me.
I want to be ALIVE and FREE.


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